Experience over time has shown us that Jiu Jitsu usually has a higher injury and drop-out rate for beginners. So, Coach Justin has established the best way to get started with Jiu Jitsu – our step-by-step Fundamentals Program and structured learning method in a small group environment.
In addition, we use mixed format learning to enhance your learning- with text and video content accompanying the in-person lessons.
In our Jiu Jitsu Basics class, you will learn:
The first moves you should do in all of the basic situations
No Gi gripping techniques which also work in self-defense and Gi Jiu Jitsu
How to escape bad positions and protect yourself
The easiest to learn & most reliable way to close distance and get a fight to the ground in any self-defense situation
How to train safely with your training partners
How to warm-up and stretch for grappling
Key movement patterns
No-Gi Jiu Jitsu – no special attire required. Shorts and a tshirt will work. Bring your own water bottle, and a read-to learn attitude!