All Levels Jiu Jitsu – Mon & Weds @ 5:30-8pm
Learn No-Gi Jiu Jitsu through our step-by-step program which provides a structured progression of levels and stages. The first hour is technical instruction with starting with a short warm-up and roll out time. Then we move on to rolls and Q&A time.
In class, students will be divided into groups depending on their skill level and will be given their appropriate level of technique, depending on where they are at in the curriculum. At the basic level, the focus will be on our core techniques and building a strong foundation for a solid Jiu Jitsu game. At the Advanced level students will learn to upgrade their Jiu Jitsu game based on our advanced submission wrestling style that is a takedown-oriented and inspired by the historical Japanese martial arts. They will learn many options for standup clinch and takedown defense which fully integrate with modern guard passing, sweeping, and ground submissions, and leg locks, providing a seamless blend of standing and ground game.
Jiu Jitsu Basics -Saturdays @ 10:30am
Learn everything you need to know to do Jiu Jitsu confidently and safely with our Jiu Jitsu Basics Class. It is the most effective and comprehensive way to begin your Jiu Jitsu training. Experience over time has shown us that Jiu Jitsu usually has a higher injury and drop-out rate for beginners. So, Coach Justin has established the best way to get started with Jiu Jitsu – our step-by-step Fundamentals Program and structured learning method in a small group environment. In addition, we use mixed format learning to enhance your learning- with text and video content accompanying the in-person lessons. Learn more…
Hybrid Judo for BJJ/MMA – Friday @ 5:30pm
Taught by Head Coach Justin Zabroski, Judo Black Belt, this is a standup oriented no gi training session which goes into the standing to ground dynamics of modern submission grappling.
Historical Judo addresses the intersection of standing and ground in a submission environment involving chokes and locks, including the interplay of wrestling leg grabbing and shooting (level changing) techniques with trips, throws, and momentum based counter-wrestling.
Many of the techniques of no-gi Judo are identical to Greco Roman Wrestling, however, since there are no leg hooks, trips, or grabs, let alone submissions, in Greco – the resulting art is completely unique.
Additionally, the traditional training methods of Judo will be applied in our classes lending a unique angle on systematic technical development that has become uncommon in modern BJJ, MMA, and submission grappling.